Graduate Degree Programs
We offer Master of Arts degrees in Equity and Social Justice, Educational Administration, Instructional Technologies, Adult Education, and Special Interest (Individualized) Area.

M.A. in Education, Special Interest Concentration

M.A. in Education: Adult Education Concentration [Discontinued]
Credential & Certificate Programs
Credential holders may complete this program to become authorized as a superintendent, deputy superintendent, principal, assistant principal, supervisor, consultant, coordinator, or in other equivalent or intermediate level positions. Please visit the Administrative Services Credential page for more information.
The purpose of the Certificate in Training Systems Development program is to develop and update skills and knowledge in the training design and development area in order for graduates to advance to new positions in corporate or public agency training departments. The certificate program offers professional training program developers an opportunity to strengthen and augment their professional skills. This program can be especially useful to individuals who already hold a master’s degree in a related field, such as adult education, industrial psychology, broadcast and communication arts, and human resource development as well as for those who seek documentation in training competencies to meet government employment requirements. Please visit the Training Systems Development Certificate page for more information.
Community Outreach
The Step to College (STC) Program’s mission is to increase the number of low-income, first-generation and historically underrepresented students who apply to, attend and graduate from our nation’s colleges and universities. Through college-level courses offered at local high schools, and personalized student mentorships STC provides students in Oakland Unified School District and San Francisco Unified School District with the academic, social and emotional support they need to succeed in higher education.
The bonds these students form with classmates and STC Program's faculty at the high school level are carried over to the university level where they are channeled into proven retention programs such as EOP and Metro Acadamies. The Step to College Program has raised the sights of non-traditional students and has inspired many to return to their communities during the college years to encourage friends/relatives to increase on levels of educational achievement. STC’s vision is that one day, all students will have the opportunity to earn a college degree that provides them with meaningful economic and personal prospects.
For more information please visit the Step to College page.
ReRighting Education is a student-led effort that was conceived by San Francisco State University (SFSU) graduate students in the Equity, Leadership Studies, and Instructional Technologies (ELSIT) Department with the overarching goal of enriching student life and learning on SFSU campus. The student-leaders spearheading this effort are currently enrolled in the following ELSIT programs: Equity and Social Justice, Adult Education, and Special Interests. This student coalition is comprised of student-leaders who are actively serving SFSU student communities.
The identification of the need for ReRighting Education emerged organically from many in-and-out of class conversations that were driven by story-sharing around the student-led and student-centered causes that are central to the ELSIT Department and instrumental in establishing a strong sense for social justice. This firm desire to strengthen the SFSU student community and our educational experiences that extend beyond classrooms through addressing students’ many and multiple diverse needs is an effort to ensure that the academic climate at SFSU is not only educational, but also educationally just, and that it provides a welcoming inclusive environment for all and, especially, underrepresented, marginalized students.
For more information please visit the ReRighting Education page.